Friday, May 02, 2008

2 Doors Down

Walk up to our studio’s locked glass front door and you’ll see a sign that reads

Pure Grace
two doors down------>>

Two doors down....isn’t that the way it always seems? What you seek is never right in front of you. Just outside your reach. Knock and no one will answer at that front door to Pure Grace. A little uncomfortable...just standing there waiting to hear....can anyone see me knocking on the door? .... will there be an answer....? Feel that way sometimes in your faith walk? Hello....anyone home? Hello........ I’m here....... Lord do you hear me? Knock again....

But the door is unlocked.......and wide open.....two doors down. That door is a garage door, 10 times larger than the front door!! Knock again....just not at the front door......go around the corner....look a little harder....listen a little more.....two doors down......just two doors down...won’t you walk that way and surely pure grace will find you.......two doors down.

Its not hard to find pure grace; you just have to read the sign. just have to be quiet long enough to hear the One calling you.....two doors down.....

Surely there is a friend or family member that see you as a sign to pure grace. Can we encourage you.......that you may have quiet assurance of His work in that one’s life as you walk hand-in-hand to the One that can be found......two doors down........

May Pure Grace products be an instrument ..... a blessing to both the giver and receiver..... that is also our prayer and foundation to all that we do here.