Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Atlanta Show Invitation

As you make your plans for Atlanta show travel, Janice and I would so much appreciate if you would stop by and say "hello" and see our new product offerings for 2009. We are in Building 3, Floor 5, Booth #2711.

Blessings this Christmas season,

Jay & Janice

The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. - Numbers 6:24-26

Monday, December 08, 2008

Somewhere it's Snowing

One snowflake.
Then another, and another.
Falling down.  Blowing around.  And then piling up.

A snowstorm shut down the runways in Denver last weekend for a couple of hours.  This "delay" was  just the right amount of time to reflect more fully on the previous weekend's Thanksgiving blessings.   

Blessings of time spent with family and meeting with strangers who became new friends over a shared dinner that Thanksgiving eve.  And blessings of stories about how others were serving and making a difference:  

One at a prison.
Another at a clinic.
And another ministering to students 
unable to travel home for the holiday

Their gifts of time and attention.  Their commitment to vocations of purpose.......it all started piling up.  Piling up into a blizzard of service.  A snowstorm of daily life falling down and blown around.   And piling up.  

And during this Holiday Season, this season of blessings remembered,  this season of thankfulness offered to our loving God, our prayer is that you too are "delayed" at some point this season for a moment to reflect on His purpose in your life.....one at a time.....piling up....into the person you've been called to be to all you're blessed to touch during His season.


Jay & Janice

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

From Above

From our studio we see that Mt. Hood and Mt. Jefferson are now snow-capped and glow pink in the fading sunlight at the end of the day.

And in the morning as we begin our day at work, we see our kilns glowing pink at the end of their night's firing cycle, and together if they could cry out, the white snow capped mountains, and our white bisque porcelain ornaments would quote James 1:17 "Every good and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights..."!

Snow transforms the landscape, crowns the horizon's peaks, and reflects the light in an array of beauty and colors often indescribable.

Our "From Above" Snowflake Angel series reminds us that our brief time together with friends and family during the holiday season vanishes as quickly as a snowflake melts in our hands. And while we have the memory of these special holidays, our hope is that this year's 2008 Snowflake Angel ornament will reflect the memories of those nearest your heart in an array of beauty that is indescribable.....and that you too would exclaim "every good and every perfect gift is from above".


Jay & Janice

Friday, October 24, 2008


Ever more intricate. Ever more complex. Ever more involved. Ever more to see....

Yes, the beauty of a snowflake can be mesmerizing.....

How much more His word? His hand? His love?

We hope you enjoy our 5th annual Snowflake Ornament with the title, "Thankful" for our Gift size, and "With Thanks" for our Adornment size in a slightly different configuration, but same style.

May you have a moment to be mesmerized and captured by His beauty this season.

Jay & Janice

Friday, July 04, 2008

Angelic Family Tree

Our Pure Grace Angel’s “family tree” has four main branches....each with a different perspective and personality designed to be a blessing to the Giver and Receiver:

- Behold the Heavens Angels (Expressions of Thanks for Salvation)
- Behold the Sea Angels (Expressions of Faith & Thanks in his Provision)
- From Above Snowflake Angels (Expressions of Joy in Family and Friends)
- In the Garden Angels (Expressions of Blessings)

Four branches. Four personalities. Four aspects of God’s hand in our lives. Each family has designs in both Angelic Blessings (about 3.25”) and Pure Grace Angels (about 4.25”).

Gazing toward heaven with outstretched arms in joyful adoration, each angel uniquely celebrates God’s creation with reverence and awe at the work of His hands. The anonymous presence of unseen angels among us, represented by our view over her shoulder, leaves her face unknown to us.

We pray these are artful accounts of His hand. May they be a blessing in your life.

Our 2008 designs are included in the links above, reflecting our third year of annual angels to be collected, enjoyed, and used as an expression ...... but more importantly, be used as a reminder of His hand in your life when that moment comes.

We invite you to come see our new collection at the Summer Shows upon us. 

Again, Janice and I thank you for the opportunity to serve you, and we’re grateful for your support!

The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. - Numbers 6:24-26

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

the Elder-One

Genealogy is best experienced “live” .....face to face ..... with all the Family Tree gathered around a potluck supper listening to the elder-one speak about “back in the day”. In those moments isn’t it clear that the branches reflect the roots.......as the personality does the soul? The drama and decisions and journey of a family unfold in the elder-one’s telling.....and if artfully done, will be picked up and retold by the next generation as tradition.

For some among us, the stories are simply the starting point of a journey to shake out the truth from the perceived exaggerations of the elder-one’s telling. Many among us find their reward by focusing on facts and data of those days gone by, rather than on the character and personality reflected in the roots of those stories. And we find our joy in the confirmation of facts that shaped the elder-one’s story. As though our discovery affirms and renews our faith in the elder-one’s telling.

Thankfully the Scriptures bring together both these camps by the inspired word of the Elder-one’s stories about our Family Tree. About our beginnings and rebellion. About our deceit and cunning. About our love and yearning. About His protection and provision. About Christ’s coming and salvation. About our reunion and eternal homecoming. At life’s most important moments ..... a birth.....a wedding .....a funeral ....a family reunion... may we remember that Our Family Tree is gathered around and listening and when it becomes our turn, may we be responsible and blessed to give an artful account of His active hand in the life of our family when we become the elder-one.

Friday, May 02, 2008

2 Doors Down

Walk up to our studio’s locked glass front door and you’ll see a sign that reads

Pure Grace
two doors down------>>

Two doors down....isn’t that the way it always seems? What you seek is never right in front of you. Just outside your reach. Knock and no one will answer at that front door to Pure Grace. A little uncomfortable...just standing there waiting to hear....can anyone see me knocking on the door? .... will there be an answer....? Feel that way sometimes in your faith walk? Hello....anyone home? Hello........ I’m here....... Lord do you hear me? Knock again....

But the door is unlocked.......and wide open.....two doors down. That door is a garage door, 10 times larger than the front door!! Knock again....just not at the front door......go around the corner....look a little harder....listen a little more.....two doors down......just two doors down...won’t you walk that way and surely pure grace will find you.......two doors down.

Its not hard to find pure grace; you just have to read the sign. Or...you just have to be quiet long enough to hear the One calling you.....two doors down.....

Surely there is a friend or family member that see you as a sign to pure grace. Can we encourage you.......that you may have quiet assurance of His work in that one’s life as you walk hand-in-hand to the One that can be found......two doors down........

May Pure Grace products be an instrument ..... a blessing to both the giver and receiver..... that is also our prayer and foundation to all that we do here.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Beyond Jordan - New Company Launch!

Mother’s Day is May 11th. 6 weeks from now. Are you ready? We’ve a few suggestions for the season, and are offering to break minimums for our existing retailers during this season.

Separately, our summer introduction of new designs is coming along beautifully, and we look forward to unveiling them to you as the show season approaches. Look for them in the June edition of this e-newsletter.

Finally, we are so pleased to have launched a new company this year featuring hand-crafted porcelain tabletop and decorative serveware. These products are made with our Old World artisans for a New World economy in an eco-responsible manner, and designed to encourage a renewed sense of awe for Creation. Designs inspired by the fresh Oregon wilderness found just beyond our studio’s doorsteps. We invite you to review this new line at www.beyondjordan.biz

Again, Janice and I thank you for the opportunity to serve you, and we’re grateful for your support!

The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. - Numbers 6:24-26

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Whose we are?

We found recent industry surveys by leading trade press fascinating and very useful. We found a few points most interesting as follows:

Made in China? Made in USA? Where a product is made is making a lot of news lately, with an increased appreciation for domestically produced items, and the perception of a product’s quality being connected with its country-of-origin.

Hand-crafted? Machine made? How a product is made seems to be important these days, particularly as people pursue authenticity in their expressions.

Personality based? Purpose driven? Why a product is created is a key intrinsic component to today’s giftware industry. Celebrating a meaningful moment in life’s journey with a product that fits the occasion is a market force synchronizing a person’s values and how they express those values.

Yes, Pure Grace products are Made in the USA. Yes, Pure Grace products are hand-crafted. Yes, Pure Grace products are designed for a purpose by a company dedicated to purpose instead of personality.

BUT MOST IMPORTANT to us, knowing Where and How and Why a product is made is not as important as for Whom a product is made. You and your loved ones experiencing life together reflecting Who made us.....we are His craftmanship, made in His image, to glorify Him by our living and loving.

May you experience His Love, an Embracing Love, and Rejoice in your relationships this New Year 2008.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Trade Press & New Items

Three (3) new Crosses and two (2) new Angels greet the New Year. We look forward to greeting YOU this show season in our corporate show locations, and our sales associates look forward to greeting you as well!

We were pleased and thankful for the opportunity to be included in recent trade press in Fall ’07 Gift Shop Magazine and in September ’07 Giftware News articles about Inspirational gift trends.

We completed our fourth (4th) year with continued growth in every dimension, and are excited to be celebrating our 5th year of business with you this year. Thank you!

Again, Janice and I thank you for the opportunity to serve you, and we’re grateful for your support!