Whether your store was in the swath of the recent hurricanes or not, your business has likely been affected in many unforseen ways.
Influx of new residents;
Outflux of local resources to relief efforts;
And little flex in your ability to meet your sales projections, or increase sales volume, with these events pushing "normal" activities off the agenda for most of your customers.
Our hope is that you've had ab-"normal" opportunities to engage these fluxes with active ministry of hands helping hands, and hearts touching hearts: with neighborly outpourings of support and with an extra dose of Christian hospitality and witness, where able.
With the change in season; temperatures dropping; leaves turning color; and school activities kicking into high gear we encourage you to proactively seek opportunities to continue your support. For many of us, the best way to do this is by getting back to "normal"...by meeting needs in the market-place...by helping those you serve achieve their hopes and dreams with the goods and services you provide.
Now....let's help one another move on toward "normal"-cy.....
Influx of new residents;
Outflux of local resources to relief efforts;
And little flex in your ability to meet your sales projections, or increase sales volume, with these events pushing "normal" activities off the agenda for most of your customers.
Our hope is that you've had ab-"normal" opportunities to engage these fluxes with active ministry of hands helping hands, and hearts touching hearts: with neighborly outpourings of support and with an extra dose of Christian hospitality and witness, where able.
With the change in season; temperatures dropping; leaves turning color; and school activities kicking into high gear we encourage you to proactively seek opportunities to continue your support. For many of us, the best way to do this is by getting back to "normal"...by meeting needs in the market-place...by helping those you serve achieve their hopes and dreams with the goods and services you provide.
Now....let's help one another move on toward "normal"-cy.....